Explore Hypermedia APIs with Paw Follow links in responses Create a new request based on a link Browse previous responses Explore Hypermedia APIs with Paw¶ Discover APIs Explore Hypermedia APIs with Paw Read server response Filter JSON response by KeyPath Variables from previous responses Delete responses/HTTP exchanges The nice thing about hypermedia APIs is that they are almost self-describing, and one can easily jump from a resource to another by just following a link. And Paw makes it really easy to do so! Follow links in responses¶ In JSON responses, there is a little arrow button next to each link. It lets you jump into that resource. A GET request with the same headers will be sent. Create a new request based on a link¶ If you right-click on a hypermedia link, you’ll have a few options that let you create a new Paw request based on this link. Browse previous responses¶ Paw keeps an history of all requests sent and responses received for a given endpoint. You can use the previous & next buttons, and view your history (local to this endpoint) in the contextual menu.