What's New in Paw 2.2.8
Paw 2.2.8 macOS 10.9+ Jan. 12, 2016
New features
- Adds inline JSON editor to any text field
- Adds key binding Option+Return or Option+Tab to insert an explicit newline or tab
- Displays image responses with non-standard Content-Types
- Displays PDF images
- Improves performance when switching quickly between requests
- Fixes a large memory leak due to a system bug
Dynamic values
- Improves the Request Parsed Body Dynamic Value to allow dependencies inside JSON or Form URL-Encoded bodies
- Adds a timezone option to the Timestamp Dynamic Value (fixing an inconsistency)
- Fixes "Paw HTTP Library" when connecting to SSL hosts with a different Host header
- Fixes "Paw HTTP Library" when receiving chunked responses (for the servers also sending a Content-Length header)
- Fixes the broken Import button (Import from Text) on OS X 10.10
- Fixes percent-encoding of the request URL
- Fixes Multipart Content-Type on file upload when file is set through an environment variable
- Fixes the pasting of multiline text
- Fixes a bug that made some documents be moved to the ~/Library/ after a crash
- Fixes the behavior of the "Create a New Document at Launch" preference
- Fixes a bug that prevented new requests from being shown when request filtering is enabled
- Fixes cookie expires date to be closer to today's date (set to 10 years)
- Fixes a nasty crash – hurray!
Extensions API
- Adds a JavaScript API to access JSON and Form URL-Encoded values with a given key path (getUrlEncodedBodyKey, getJsonBodyKeyPath)